The Bad Beginning

A person once said that the typical blog consists of one with 30 posts in the first month, 5 in the second, 1 in the third, and forgotten about by its creator thereafter.  It would be arrogant of me to think that I'd deviate from this, but - like anyone else who makes a blog - I'm not planning to follow that particular path.
That does beg the question that, being self-aware of people generally losing interest in posting blogs after an initial flurry of motivation, why bother?  Well, as stated above, it's not my goal to fail; and more importantly, I hope that it will be an inspiration to myself on various creative projects (in the sense of prompting me to complete them).  What better way to do so than to distract myself on yet another project?
At this point I'm talking to an entire audience of one, but I suppose that blogs have to start somewhere, so this is it.


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