Nixon Versus The Marvel Universe
Ongoing comic book series, if they go on long enough, run afoul of the problem of the 'sliding timescale' - that time in comic books runs at a slower pace than it does in the real world. That's a problem for the longer running, open ended comics by the big companies only, though - independent comics and limited series aren't bound by those prescriptions. This also means that it's difficult for them to incorporate real-world events unless they are told in flashbacks or series set in the past. Usually. In this case, we have two different versions of the same thing. Sort of. In a fashion.
This storyline - from Captain America #175 - has Captain America pursue the leader of an evil secret society into the White House itself. As you can see, this never-see-his-true-face evildoer held a 'high political office'. Steve Englehart has said that he was indeed intended to be a stand-in for Nixon and the whole Watergate Scandal, and the issue came out in 1974 shortly before Nixon did resign.
Of course, the whole 'sliding timescale' renders whether it is really Nixon moot - whether it was the US President or not, by now it couldn't be Nixon. (Also, the guy had an overly complicated plan that involved kidnapping mutants to power a flying saucer, which would be attacked by a 'hero' that would throw the fight and declare the US should surrender...)
But there is a more clear-cut case of Definitely Nixon showing up. In the limited series "Marvel: The Lost Generation", we see a superhero group called the First Line over time from the 1950s to the 1980s - interacting with the assassination of JFK, the moon landing, and - yes, the Watergate Scandal.
Nixon plots to send the First Line to attack his political enemies. When State Department Undersecretary Scott refuses, he threatens to have their secret identities revealed. Ultimately his bluff is called by the very Batmanesque "Black Fox", and he settles for revoking their federal backing, forcing them to go underground.
Little does he know that Scott was also Effigy, the shapeshifting leader of the First Line; shocked by Nixon's blatant abuse of power, he calls up the Washington Post. Yep, he's Deep Throat! Not exactly the superhero/villain battle from Captain America, though.
Circling this around to the stories I've been writing - they are all primarily set in Central Florida and often draw from historical events. In this particular case, President Nixon was looking to get away from the Watergate Scandal and accepted an invitation to speak at a college graduation in the middle of nowhere - which is to say, the University of Central Florida in Orlando (at the time a small tech school called Florida Technological University). In my story universe, something goes terribly wrong at the ceremony, which the protagonist of "Everybody Comes to Marlowe's" attended. Our alternate Nixon is actually impeached and forced from office in disgrace over the incident. In real life, Nixon has already died by the story year 2000... but not necessarily in the story world.
Finally, I'm just going to leave this here - Deadpool watching Captain America (as the Grasshopper) battling "Secret Nixon" in the Everglades of Florida. Is any comment really necessary?

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